Design Rules

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Download a copy of the LDS-MID Design Guide

With the consideration of a few design rules and requirements, the realization of MIDs is simple. These
parameters are described within our free Design Guidelines document.

One of the important goals during the development and manufacture of 3-dimensional circuitry is the efficient use of space with the finest possible structures. Track widths of ≥120 µm and gaps of ≥120 µm have proven ideal in practice, although thinner tracks and gaps are possible.

Structured three-dimensional component
Work piece with a base diameter of 160 mm
The maximum angle of incidence of the laser beam must not be exceeded.

The Design Guidelines document features more information on:

  • Size of Workpiece
  • Angle of Attack
  • Placement of Walls and Ejection Pins
  • Optimum cycle times
  • Activating through-holes
  • Fixtures, clamps and bonding seams